Tuesday, April 27, 2010

James 5:7-11/ Last Day Christians/ 4-18-2010

James 5:7-11/ Last Day Christians/ 4-18-2010

Intro: The passage is directed towards those who are poor and oppressed in the Diaspora Community. The aim of the passage is to encourage the oppressed Christians of the Diaspora Community to demonstrate patience in the time of tribulation.

I. Demonstrate patience in the midst of tribulation

1. Farmers (v7): The Middle Eastern farmers of 1st Century did not have much control over farming. Unlike today, they neither had the control over irrigation system nor the weather. The farmers’ control was limited to planting the seed. Hence, the farmers had to learn to patiently acknowledge and wait for the things outside of their control, such as rain and weather, for harvesting.

2. Christians (v7): Just like the farmers, Christians are to learn to patiently wait in the time of tribulation. Human beings are not in control; thus, Christians are to acknowledge and learn to patiently wait for God’s dealing in all things knowing that God is the one who is in control.

II. Demonstrate patience for God’s vindication

1. The Last Days (v7,8): The time block between the resurrection of Christ to the return of Christ (1st Century AD to the second coming of Christ) is known as the “last days” (hence we are living in the last days in 2010). The significance of the “last days” is that it is the time preceding the “coming of the Lord.” When Christ returns in his second coming, he will return for the sole purpose of judging (not for encouraging, healing or saving) the world. Hence, he will be the one restoring all things (separating the just from the unjust, good from the wicked and etc.). Hence, Christians, knowing that His return is near, are to demonstrate patience for God’s vindication in the midst of tribulation.

2. The Hope: Since the Lord’s return is imminent and near, Christians demonstrating patience is not futile. Whether the deliverance or vindication comes with the return of the Lord or in our daily lives in present state, prior to the return of the Lord, one thing remains the same and that is that we have hope in Jesus Christ. Hence, Even in the time of tribulation, Christians are to live in the hope of meeting the Lord.

III. Christians are to demonstrate patience by:

1. Petitioning to the Lord (v9): Christians are not to “grumble,” or “murmur” against one another. Grumbling or murmuring is simply complaining and through out the biblical history, complaint never brought deliverance nor blessing from God; rather, it always resulted in God’s wrath. However, when people cried out to the Lord, meaning prayed to the Lord, God never delayed nor forsook the petition.

2. Steadfast faith (v11): The ESV bible uses the word “steadfast” to describe status of those who are blessed in demonstrating patience. The word “steadfast,” in this context, refers to unwavering, loyal, resolute, determined and firmly decisive faith in the Lord Jesus Christ. Hence, Christians are to demonstrate patience in time of tribulation by having the steadfast (unwavering, loyal, resolute, determined and firmly decisive) faith in Jesus Christ.

IV. Conclusion: Christians are not to retaliate against the injustices and oppressions in time of tribulation. Rather, Christians are to demonstrate patience in all things waiting for God’s vindication (whether they come with the return of Christ or in our daily lives prior to his return). We may encounter various difficulties, injustices, hardships and oppressions in various levels in our lives, but our tribulation will be restored by Him and Him alone. So let us depend on him and live the life of patience. May the Lord strengthen you and encourage you in hope of His return.

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