Sunday, January 19, 2014

Authentic Faith is Eager for Christ

Soon by Hillsong is a new song that we, the praise team, introduced in Sunday worship today. We will most likely sing it again next Sunday, but here is an excerpt from "What Christ Will Do at Second Coming" by John Piper that goes along with this song. As Christians, we have hope of eternal communion with our Lord and as we eagerly await for Christ, let us continue to love our Lord with all of our heart, mind, and soul, and our neighbors as ourselves (Matthew 22:37-40).

By: John Piper
Christ, having been offered once to bear the sins of many, will appear a second time, not to deal with sin but to save those who are eagerly waiting for him.(Hebrews 9:28)
What must you do so that you may know that your sins are taken away by the blood of Christ, and that, when he comes, he will shield you from the wrath of God and bring me into eternal life? The answer is this: trust Christ in a way that makes you eager for him to come.
He is coming to save those who are “eagerly waiting for him.” So how do you get ready? How do you experience the forgiveness of God in Christ and prepare to meet him? By trusting him in a way that makes you eager for him to come.
This eager expectation for Christ is simply a sign that we love him and believe in him authentically.
There is a phony faith that wants only escape from hell, but has no desire for Christ. That does not save. And it does not produces an eager expectation for Christ to come. It would rather that Christ not come for as long as possible so that it can have as much of this world as possible.
But the faith that really holds on to Christ as treasure and hope and joy is the faith that makes us long for Christ to come, and that is the faith that saves.
So I urge you, turn from the world and from sin and to Christ. Take him not just as your fire insurance policy, but as your eagerly awaited bridegroom and friend and Lord.

GGCEM Worship Team