James 5:1-6/ The Last Day Christians/ 4-11-2010
Intro: In today’s passage, James rebukes the rich, but not for their riches, but for their ungodly characteristics.
I. The characteristics of the rich people of Diaspora Christian Community.
A. Characteristic of Greed (v2-3): The rich people of the Diaspora Community had stored up so much wealth that it was becoming, moth-eaten, corroded, rusticated, rotted and etc. The problem was that within the Diaspora Christian Community, there were also extremely poor people who were dying of starvation.
B. Characteristic of Injustice (v4): The workers/ Poor were being cheated out of their wages. The rich owners kept the wages to themselves in order to maintain their status quo. In addition, in order to judicially justify their wrongdoings, the rich owners used the court system to legalize their actions (v6). In the process, innocent people were condemned and even murdered.
C. Characteristic of Self-Indulgence (v5): The rich people used their wealth to pursue the pleasures of the world. God’s blessing always comes with responsibility. For example, in OT law, Jews are commanded not to harvest the field completely, so that poor or even the wild animals can have something to eat. In the NT, the emphasis is placed on caring for the widows and orphans. The idea is that those who are blessed by God are to help those who are weak or helpless. However, the rich people of Diaspora Community spent their wealth and resources for pursuing the pleasures of the world rather than helping those who are in need.
D. Characteristic of Indifference (v3): The rich people demonstrated indifference towards God’s plan. The phrase “last days” refers to the time block between the resurrection of Christ to the second coming of Christ (hence we, 21st Century Christians are living on the last days). The significance of the “last days” is that it is the time when God’s redemptive plan is taking place more powerfully than ever before. Hence as God’s people, all effort, resources and energy are to be spent for God’s kingdom, for his glory and for eternal things, which was not the case.
II. Relevant to us?
Above mentioned characteristics are relevant to all Christians of 21st Century because:
A. These are common characteristics of sin: Although degrees may differ, many Christians of 21st century also demonstrate above characteristics. For example, Greed (unnecessary workaholism), Injustice (nepotism or cheating), Self-Indulgence (resources spent on entertainment) and Indifference (personal interest over glory of God).
B. We live in the “last days:" Just as the rich people of the Diaspora Community, we also live in the last days, where we eagerly wait on the return of our Lord.
III. God’s people are to:
A. Use our resources for God’s glory: our resources (energy, time, money, effort and etc) are to be used for God and His kingdom.
B. Use our resources for caring for the needy: our resources (energy, time, money, effort and etc) are to be used for those who are suffering and weak.
IV. Doing these things (above mentioned) may be difficult at times, but if we realize that we are storing up the treasures in heaven and the fact that the return of Christ is near (last days), we will have the right urgency to do what is pleasing before God.
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