Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Shepherds Conference

Just like Jay... I mean Otus Potus Lotus Motus has written, we went to Shepherds Conference last week. There were intense bouts of learning followed by wild shenanigans. In keeping this post short I will focus on the most convicting message I had come to understand. Al Mohler spoke an expository message of the healing of the blind man in John 9. The sermon was one the most well prepared messages I have ever heard, but I will bring the attention to verse 4, "As long as it is day, WE must do the work of him who sent me. Night is coming, when no one can work." In short we must do the work of the Father as Jesus has done.
We have only one life to live, there are no redo's or 2nd chances. All that is, is now. Even though I may serve in the church, I waste so much of my life on my own desires. Knowing the urgency of the "day" fading is one thing, but acting upon it is another. We are all so easily consumed by our own desires and tend to forget the Commission given. Knowing only one life can be lived and that the day is fading, I for one know that I must "do the work". I encourage all you brothers and sisters to heed the urgency and act, not in your own strength but through the power of God given you. Quoting Phil Johnson and, of course, Chris Kim, "Man Up"!

-Young Jeezy MAN-

1 comment:

  1. I know who this is too.
    Obviously since he used put Jay's name on his article.
