Intro: Christians are to be wise in all things; hence, Christians are to seek for wisdom. However, Christians need to understand that there are two types of wisdom: the wisdom from the world and the wisdom from above.
I. Wisdom from the World
A. Motive
1. Envy (v14): Envy is best understood as bitter jealousy. Regardless of how good or wise things may seem, if it stems from jealousy or envy, it's from the world.
2. Selfish Ambition (v14): Selfish Ambition is best understood as personal gratification and self-fulfillment. Regardless of how good or wise things may seem, if the underlying intent is to fulfill self-desire, it's from the world.
B. Characteristics of wisdom from the world: the reason why Christians are not to imitate or partake in worldly wisdom.
1. Earthly (v15): This refers to self-advancement. In wisdom from the world, there is no genuine sacrifice of living for others and for God.
2. Unspiritual (v15): This refers to being opposition to spirit. Unspiritual things may range anywhere from physical lust to intellectualism without Christ. Wisdom from the world is never aligned with the will of God.
3. Of the Devil (v15): This refers to anything that deludes a person’s mind away from God’s decrees, which comes from the devil. Wisdom from the world originates from the devil.
C. Wisdom from the world is not merely inadequate for Christian life, but it is detrimental to growing relationship with God because it is false wisdom that opposes God.
II. Wisdom from above
A. Motive
1. Purity (v17): Purity refers to not being contaminated by the patterns of world and thus it's aligned with the will of God. Wisdom from above thus is the true wisdom since its motive is of God.
B. Characteristics: the wisdom from above will demonstrate godly characteristics as evidence and thus Christians are to seek and demonstrate the true wisdom from God.
1. Peace-loving: the wisdom from God does not produce conflict.
2. Considerate: the wisdom from God is expressed in loving others.
3. Submissive: the wisdom from God demonstrates obedience to God-given authority.
4. Full of mercy: the wisdom from God demonstrates compassion to those who are suffering and not just forgiving the wrong doers.
5. Full of good fruits: the wisdom from God is expressed in action (not just in words) to produce good results.
6. Sincerity: the wisdom from God leads the person to honesty before God.
C. The wisdom from God is the true wisdom because it is aligned with the characteristics of God.
III. Conclusion: Christians are to seek after wisdom that comes from God regardless of how slow, ineffective, dull, awkward, unpopular and foolish it may seem because even the foolishness of God is mightier than the wisdom of men.
IV. Application
A. Fear God: Fearing God is the beginning of all wisdom.
B. Love God: Loving God will help believers to desire the wisdom of God.
Great, thank you!!