Give one thing more, - a grateful heart;
Not thankful when it pleaseth me,
As if Thy blessings had spare days,
But such a heart whose pulse may be Thy praise." -George Herbert
We ate good food, we enjoyed good company, and we gave thanks to God for having all these things.
November 28th should have been the day we got together to have November's Fellowship Field trip. November 28th, however, was the day we ate, and the day we watched movies. Both activities were done in huge excess. We had food that could last one person for a whole week, and we watched enough movies to entertain us for the whole week.
The day started off with trying to figure out, exactly who is coming, and who is bringing what. For some reason, everyone thought that there would be a shortage of food. So, the people who were going, decided to bring a lot of food, in case some people might come empty handed. When we all got together, we quickly saw that that was far from the truth. We had a lot of food. I mean, A LOT OF FOOD! We had ribs, stuffing, random korean catered food, pot roast, chicken, turkey sliders, and dumplings. We had food to eat, and then some.
When we all met up at Pastor Julian's house, we couldn't eat right away. We had to wait for the roast to fully cook, so we popped in the movie "Race to Witch Mountain." When that movie ended, the food was ready. So we grabbed our food and popped in another movie "Stardust." According to Pastor Julian, the movie was really good, but many of us were suspicious, because Pastor Julian's taste in movies are not the best. "Stardust" was pretty good though, and we all enjoyed it for what it was. We than turned off the DVD player and decided to see what was on TV. The channel we turned to was playing "Gladiator," so we decided to watch that. Sadly, the night had to end before the movie did, as it was getting late, so we called it a night and went home.
Reflecting on our day of excess, it was a good day. It was truly a day where we ate, enjoyed, and gave thanks!
posted by Jay Kee